Office of Global Health and Health Disparities

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The Office of Global Health and Health Disparities (OGHHD) within the Division of Clinical Research, leads the coordination and development of programs and initiatives that foster global research and research on health disparities in neurological disorders and stroke. The primary objectives of the Office include:

Global Health: Support global research partnerships aimed at strengthening our understanding of the burden of neurological disease and identifying opportunities for improved diagnostics, treatment, and prevention strategies. Building sustainable capacity in low-and middle-income countries to enable the conduct of research and training in neurological disorders and stroke in low-resource settings is also of interest. (Visit the Grants Information for Non-U.S. Scientists and U.S. Scientists at Foreign Institutions page).

Health DisparitiesAdvance research on disparities (or inequities) in neurological disease, healthcare, and health outcomes in disparate populations, including racial and ethnic minorities, the geographically disadvantaged, sex and gender minorities, and others who have been historically underserved, socioeconomically disadvantaged, marginalized, or adversely affected by persistent inequality. The Office seeks to support rigorous research, from basic science to implementation, that will identify, monitor, and target biological, environmental, behavioral, social, and/or healthcare system factors that influence disparities in neurological disease.

Your Voice Matters! NINDS Global Health Research RFI (NOT-NS-24-018)
The NINDS is seeking your input on priorities for global health research in neurological disorders and stroke. Responses will be accepted through Wednesday, July 31st, 2024.

Resources and Tools


Richard T. Benson, M.D., Ph.D. | Director, Office of Global Health and Health Disparities

Cheryse A. Sankar, Ph.D. | Program Director, Health Disparities

Sudha Srinivasan, Ph.D., M.P.H. | Program Director, Global Health

Stacey D. Chambers, M.S. | Scientific Project Manager

Naomi E. Booker, M.P.H. | Health Program Specialist

Katie Reichard, Ph.D. | AAAS S&T Policy Fellow

Carol Kong, M.S.| Program Specialist

Funding Opportunities 

OGHHD Funding Opportunities

Related Topics 


Subscribe to the NINDS-OGHHD Listserv

2021 HEADWAY Workshop
NINDS Health Disparities and Inequities in Neurological Disorders (HEADWAY) Workshop

Global Health Research at NINDS
Application information for international applicants and institutions 

Grants Information for Non-U.S. Scientists and U.S. Scientists at Foreign Institutions

U.S. - Japan Brain Research Cooperative Program 
Promotes scientist exchange, training, and research collaborations between neuroscientists from the U.S. and Japan

Health Disparities Research at NINDS
Information on NINDS-supported health disparity-related research

OGHHD 2020 Request for Information
This request for information sought input on knowledge gaps, health and research needs, as well as promising opportunities to help guide NINDS research on health disparities and inequities in neurological disorders and diseases