NINDS Global Health Research Activities

NINDS Office of Global Health & Health Disparities Global Health Research banner

Program Description

The Office of Global Health and Health Disparities (OGHHD) supports global research partnerships aimed at strengthening our understanding of the burden of neurological disease and identifying opportunities for improved diagnostics, treatment, and prevention strategies. Building sustainable capacity in low-and middle-income countries to enable the conduct of research and training in neurological disorders and stroke in low-resource settings is also of interest.


U.S.-Japan Brain Research Cooperative Program (BRCP) - 2023 Networking Session
The OGHHD hosted the 2023 Networking Session which was held in conjunction with the Society for Neuroscience (SfN) meeting.

Bilateral Programs and Partnerships


US Japan BRCP Networking Session Multi-colored brain flyer

U.S.-Japan Brain Research Cooperative Program (BRCP) Administrative Supplements

The BRCP is a bilateral partnership with the National Institute for Physiological Sciences (NIPS) in Japan which promotes scientist exchange, training, and research collaborations between neuroscientists from the U.S. and Japan. The Program awards administrative supplements to currently active research grants that are supported by one of the participating NIH Institutes and Center.


Learn more and visit the BRCP webpage


Supported Global Health Research & Training Opportunities


Global Brain and Nervous System Disorders Research Across the Lifespan (R21/R01)
The Global Brain program supports collaborative research programs that contribute to the long-term goal of building sustainable research capacity to study brain and nervous system disorders, relevant to the health priorities of low- and middle-Income countries (LMICs).
Global Health Program for Fellows and Scholars/Launching Future Leaders in Global Health Research Training Program (LAUNCH) (D43)
The LAUNCH D43 Training Program supports one-year mentored research training in global health at established biomedical and health research institutions and project sites in low- and middle-Income countries (LMICs) (Africa, Asia, and the Americas).
Chronic, Non-Communicable Diseases and Disorders Across the Lifespan: Fogarty International Research Training Award (NCD-LIFESPAN) (D43)
The NCD-Lifespan program supports collaborative research training between institutions in the U.S. and low-and middle-income countries (LMICs).
Emerging Global Leader Award (K43)
The K43 Award aims to provide research support and protected time to a research scientist from a low-and middle-Income countries (LMICs) who holds an academic junior faculty position or research scientist appointment at a LMIC academic or research institution.



Richard T. Benson, M.D., Ph.D. | Director, Office of Global Health and Health Disparities

Sudha Srinivasan, Ph.D., MPH | Program Director, Global Health

Stacey D. Chambers, M.S. | Scientific Project Manager

Naomi E. Booker, M.P.H. | Health Program Specialist

Funding Opportunities 



News & Events 


NIH Request for Information on Promoting Equity in Global Health Research

The following report aims to improve NIH’s understanding of potential research funding, priority setting, and administrative practices and strategies that could encourage or facilitate equitable global health research.

NINDS-FIC Team 2023 Visit to Research Sites in Lusaka and Mazabuka, Zambia

A delegation of NINDS and Fogarty International Center (FIC) staff traveled to Zambia to conduct a site visit and meet with NIH funded investigators and trainees.

 Read more about the visit in the NIH Record special issue