Funding Outcomes Data

Funding Outcomes for NINDS R01 Applications

Each fiscal year (FY), NINDS establishes a payline for all percentiles RPGs (e.g., R01, R03, R15, and R21) and funds all applications that score within that payline with very rare exception. 

Funding Outcomes for NINDS R01 Applications FY21 (FY21 payline: 14th percentile)
Funding Outcomes for NINDS R01 Applications FY20 (FY20 payline: 16th percentile)
Funding Outcomes for NINDS R01 Applications FY19 (FY19 payline: 16th percentile)
Funding Outcomes for NINDS R01 Applications FY18 (FY18 payline: 15th percentile)
Funding Outcomes for NINDS R01 Applications FY17 (FY17 payline: 12th percentile)
Funding Outcomes for NINDS R01 Applications FY16 (FY16 payline: 15th percentile)

Training and Career Development Outcome Data

In May of 2012, NINDS completed an examination of several outcome and demographic measurements for NINDS K08 and K23 awardees. Explore Training and Career Development Outcome Data.

Total Extramural Research Expenditures

See a breakdown of expenditures within the NINDS Extramural Research budget for each fiscal year.

FY23 Total Extramural Research Expenditures
FY22 Total Extramural Research Expenditures
FY21 Total Extramural Research Expenditures
FY20 Total Extramural Research Expenditures
FY19 Total Extramural Research Expenditures