Conference and Supporting Resources

Learn more about how NINDS supports scientific conferences and some research resources in specific situations.  

Conference Mechanisms 

R13 Conference grants support recipient sponsored scientific meetings and conferences that may facilitate advancement of NINDS mission objectives. NOTE: Prior approval is required for an R13 application to be accepted.
U13 In some instances, NINDS may determine that a conference grant would benefit from significant NINDS involvement. In those cases, an R13 would be converted to a U13. Applicants do not generally apply for a U13 unless it is under a specific, solicited (not investigator-initiated) notice of funding opportunity. 

For more detailed application information and requirements, view the R13/U13 Guidelines


Research Resource Mechanisms 

S10 The NIH Office of Research Infrastructure programs supports funding for research resources ranging from basic (lower cost) to shared and high-end instrumentation. For more information, please view the S10 Instrumentation Programs webpage. 
Contracts NINDS employs contracts to support some research resources such as brain, cell, and other tissue banking.
Administrative Supplements In very select, specific circumstances such as loss of equipment required for the successful completion of an already funded active award. See the NINDS Administrative Supplements page for more information.


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