
Administrative supplements are additional funds provided to active awards in order to conduct or support further research within the scope and timeline of the current award. 

How can I apply?

Recipients can apply by following the instructions provided in the notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) for the administrative supplement. Before submitting a request for an administrative supplement, it is strongly advised that you contact your program officer (PO) to discuss the scientific rationale for a supplement request and program eligibility. Applicants can find their PO's contact info in eRA Commons.

Visit the Administrative Supplements page to learn about types of administrative supplements and how to find active administrative supplement funding opportunities.

Administrative Supplement Requests for $100,000 or More
All administrative supplement requests for $100,000 or more direct cost must be approved by the NANDS Council. For supplement requests this large, reach out to the program officer for the parent award to determine the submission timeline for consideration in any given Council round.

Administrative Supplements Reporting Requirements

If you have an active administrative supplement, be sure to report on the progress attributed to the supplement in Section B of the Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR). Visit the Reporting Requirements page for more information.