Frequently Asked Questions for NINDS COMBINE RM1


The next application receipt date is October 8, 2024. Only COMBINE RM1 applications that are fully within the NINDS mission will be accepted and considered for funding by NINDS. To determine if your proposal fits the NINDS mission and RM1 mechanism, please provide the following information in a one-page word/PDF to your NINDS Program Official or to as soon as possible.  

  1. Title
  2. Team Composition (Names, Title, Affiliation, 1-3 expertise keywords)
  3. Planned Goal (Describe the single focused goal and its transformative nature)
  4. Approach (Briefly describe the research strategy and the need for an interdisciplinary and integrated approach)
  5. Budget (Estimated total costs with broad categorizations (personnel, equipment, travel, F&A, etc.))

The COMBINE RM1 has fixed and limited budget commitments, so funding priorities will include considerations where the research might better fit special funding programs like the NIH BRAIN initiative, HEAL Initiative, ADRD, and other active programs. 

Funding Opportunity Description

What is the NINDS Collaborative Opportunities for Multidisciplinary, Bold, and Innovative Neuroscience (COMBINE) (RM1 Clinical Trial Optional) and what is its purpose?

The NINDS COMBINE program (RFA-NS-23-027) is designed to support integrated efforts of three to six PDs/PIs to pursue a bold, impactful, and challenging goal with defined 5-year outcomes within the scope of this program and the NINDS mission. This defined research goal must only be achievable by an interdisciplinary team approach involving innovative combination of distinct disciplines and/or intellectual viewpoints, synergy in expertise and approaches, and well-managed team interactions. Proposed research must not represent a collection of individual efforts or parallel projects, but rather an integrated effort from all PIs to achieve a single, transformative research goal. This program is distinct from the NINDS P01 and parent R01 in that it will support a single, focused goal instead of multiple aims.

What distinguishes the COMBINE RM1 from traditional NIH programs?

This COMBINE program is distinct from the NINDS P01 and parent R01 in that it will support projects with a single, focused goal instead of multiple aims. In addition, this program is distinct from conventional, investigator-initiated R01s in its emphasis on highly transformative and bold research.  This program also requires a Multi-PI (MPI) structure with a minimum of three PD/PIs (up to six) who will each bring a distinct scientific viewpoint or expertise necessary to pursue the interdisciplinary approach.  Applications for smaller projects with one or two PD/PIs should consider submitting a multi-PD/PI application to the "NIH Research Project Grant (Parent R01)" NOFO (see the Parent Announcement website for the current issuance of this NOFO).

How is the RM1 different from the P01 and Multi-PI R01?
  NINDS P01 Parent R01 NINDS RM1
Purpose Synergy, collaboration, team science efforts (Parallel/interrelated efforts) Efforts from single lab to small teams Synergy, collaboration, integrated and interdisciplinary effort to pursue one goal
Structure Interrelated projects; Multi-component (minimum of 3 research components- projects + cores) 1 set of aims; 12-page research strategy 1 goal (multiple aims are non-responsive) + 15-page Research Strategy + 3 "Other Attachments" (Team Management Plan (3-pages max), Timeline and Benchmarks for Success (2-pages max), and Plan for Enhancing Diverse Perspectives (PEDP)(1-page max)
Review Review each component + overall ; NINDS Special Emphasis Panel (SEP) Review 1 project; NIH Center for Scientific Review (CSR) Review 1 project + Other Attachments (3); Special Emphasis Panel (SEP)
Leadership PPG director- established leader, driver of the project Depends on the project Emphasis on multi-PI collaboration and shared leadership across 3-6 MPIs. Each PI brings a distinct expertise/viewpoint. Must not be dominated by a single individual.
Team science-specific features Coordination by an administrative core; diversity as a scorable criteria MPI specific language Coordination described in the team management plan; diversity as a scorable criteria; Can allot resources for a program manager/coordinator and for intra-team data management; specific review criteria
Due dates

3x per year (~May, June, January)

Standard dates Once per year: Oct 20th 2023 and October 8th 2024.

*For all mechanisms, budget is not limited but needs to be commensurate to the scope. 

How can I decide if the RM1 is right for my circumstances?

First, the research topic must be fully within the NINDS mission. Second, the RM1 best fits team science efforts by 3-6 multiple PD/PIs that are integrated and cohesive and with a single transformative goal that is achievable within 5-years. Applications that propose extrapolations of a single line of research or propose parallel but independent advancement of different areas are not appropriate for this NOFO. The RM1’s single goal is distinct from the P01’s multi-component structure of projects, aims, and, cores. 

How can I determine if my proposal is within the NINDS mission? 

Check the NINDS website for information on areas of research. The full scope of the application must be within the mission of NINDS, to seek fundamental knowledge about the brain and nervous system and to use that knowledge to reduce the burden of neurological disease for all people. You can use the NIH Matchmaker tool available in NIH RePORTER to find which institutes fund research related to your proposed area.

The next application receipt date is October 20, 2023. Only applications that are fully within the NINDS mission will be accepted and considered for funding by NINDS. To determine if your proposal fits the NINDS mission and RM1 mechanism, please provide the following information in a one-page PDF to your NINDS Program Official or to as soon as possible.  

  1. Title
  2. Team Composition (Names, Title, Affiliation, 1-3 expertise keywords)
  3. Planned Goal (Brief description of the single transformative goal and integrated approach)
  4. Budget (Estimated total costs with broad categorizations (personnel, equipment, travel, F&A, etc.))

Staff will not evaluate the technical and scientific merit of the proposed project; technical and scientific merit will be determined during peer review.  The COMBINE program has fixed and limited budget commitments, so funding priorities will include considerations where the research might better fit special funding programs like the NIH BRAIN initiative, HEAL Initiative, ADRD, and other active programs. Non-responsive applications will be withdrawn.

Are there specific requirements for the Letter of Intent? 

Please see Section IV. Application and Submission Information, Part 2: Letter of Intent of the NOFO
Although a letter of intent is not required, is not binding, and does not enter into the review of a subsequent application, the information that it contains allows IC staff to estimate the potential review workload and plan the review.

By the date listed in Part 1. Overview Information, prospective applicants are asked to submit a letter of intent that includes the following information:

  • Descriptive title of proposed activity
  • Name(s), address(es), and telephone number(s) of the PD(s)/PI(s)
  • Names of other key personnel
  • Participating institution(s)
  • Number and title of this funding opportunity

The letter of intent should be sent to:
NINDS Team Science Group

What scientific areas of research are appropriate for support by the COMBINE RM1?

Any research area within the mission of NINDS is eligible for support using the COMBINE RM1 award.  However, some types of research might be more suitably supported through a traditional R01 or other grant mechanism that requires more specific methodological detail or programmatic oversight (e.g., clinical trials, advanced translational research). NINDS strongly encourages applicants to speak with NINDS program staff to help determine if a different mechanism is better suited to the proposed research area. The COMBINE RM1 is neither appropriate for the support of clinical trials designed to answer specific questions about the safety, tolerability, efficacy, effectiveness, clinical management, and/or implementation of pharmacologic, behavioral, biologic, surgical, or device (invasive or non-invasive) interventions nor is it appropriate for research that has been traditionally supported by another NIH Institute or Center, even when combined as part of a larger research program.

What topics or features will not be a good fit?

  • Research that is not fully within the NINDS mission.
  • Applications in which the primary goal is to create, maintain, expand, and/or disseminate resources or infrastructure
  • Applications that propose to discover and develop a small molecule, biologic therapeutic, or therapeutic device to treat neurological and/or neuromuscular disorders (covered by NINDS Division of Translational Research Programs ).
  • Development and validation of biomarkers for use in clinical trials or in clinical practice. These types of applications are already covered by the NINDS Biomarker Program funding opportunities (PAR-22-089 and PARs-21-056, 057, 058, and 059), see: NINDS: Focus On Biomarkers Research.
  • Clinical trials designed to answer specific questions about safety, tolerability, efficacy and/or effectiveness of pharmacologic, behavioral, biologic, surgical, or device (invasive or non-invasive) interventions (e.g., phase I, phase II, phase III, or pivotal clinical trials). Such designs should be submitted to an NINDS clinical trial-specific funding announcement (see NINDS: Clinical Research). If planning a clinical trial, this NOFO will only accept mechanistic or BESH (Basic Experimental Studies Involving Humans) types of clinical trials. Understanding the distinction between mechanistic, BESH, and efficacy trials can be difficult. PIs are strongly encouraged to discuss any planned clinical trial in consideration for this opportunity with the scientific program contact to avoid errors in interpretation.
  • Clinical research projects with an inherently team science approach (e.g., applications in which the primary goal is multi-site clinical epidemiological or observational studies, genetic studies, or comparative effectiveness research). NINDS will continue to consider these large projects as a separate, unsolicited independent investigator-initiated projects (i.e., R01/U01 applications). For comparative effectiveness research projects, see: PAR-22-076: Prospective Observational Comparative Effectiveness Research in Clinical Neurosciences (UG3/UH3 Clinical Trial Not Allowed).
  • Applications with multiple aims or without a single, focused goal; Applications in which the goal is not well-defined or has a low likelihood of being completed within 5 years; Applications that lack a minimum of three PD/PIs or that exceed the maximum of six PD/PIs.

Is the NINDS COMBINE RM1 appropriate for clinical trials?

Clinical trials are research studies in which one or more human subjects are prospectively assigned to one or more interventions (which may include placebo or other control) to evaluate the effects of those interventions on health-related biomedical or behavioral outcomes. For this funding announcement, only the following types of clinical trials will be supported: 
Mechanistic trials, defined as studies designed to understand a biological or behavioral process, the pathophysiology of a disease, or the mechanism of action of an intervention (i.e., how an intervention works, but not if it works or is safe).
Basic Experimental Studies with Humans (BESH), defined as basic research studies involving humans that seek to understand the fundamental aspects of phenomena.

Is the NINDS COMBINE RM1 appropriate for projects proposing to develop therapeutics? 

Applications that propose a systematic, team-based plan to discover and develop a small molecule or biologic therapeutic to treat neurological and/or neuromuscular disorders should consider PAR-20-122, PAR-21-163, RFA-21-010 and small business SBIR/STTR funding opportunities.

Should I consult with program staff prior to submission? 

The next application receipt dates are October 20, 2023 and October 8, 2024. Only COMBINE RM1 applications that are fully within the NINDS mission will be accepted and considered for funding by NINDS. To determine if your proposal fits the NINDS mission and RM1 mechanism, please provide the following information in a one-page word/PDF to your NINDS Program Official or to as soon as possible.  

  1. Title
  2. Team Composition (Names, Title, Affiliation, 1-3 expertise keywords)
  3. Planned Goal (Describe the single focused goal and its transformative nature)
  4. Approach (Briefly describe the research strategy and the need for an interdisciplinary and integrated approach)
  5. Budget (Estimated total costs with broad categorizations (personnel, equipment, travel, F&A, etc.))

The COMBINE RM1 has fixed and limited budget commitments, so funding priorities will include considerations where the research might better fit special funding programs like the NIH BRAIN initiative, HEAL Initiative, ADRD, and other active programs. 

When is a good time to reach out to NINDS to discuss a potential application?

We recommend reaching out to NINDS as soon as possible. 

The next application receipt dates are October 20, 2023 and October 8, 2024. Only COMBINE RM1 applications that are fully within the NINDS mission will be accepted and considered for funding by NINDS. To determine if your proposal fits the NINDS mission and RM1 mechanism, please provide the following information in a one-page word/PDF to your NINDS Program Official or to as soon as possible.  

  1. Title
  2. Team Composition (Names, Title, Affiliation, 1-3 expertise keywords)
  3. Planned Goal (Describe the single focused goal and its transformative nature)
  4. Approach (Briefly describe the research strategy and the need for an interdisciplinary and integrated approach)
  5. Budget (Estimated total costs with broad categorizations (personnel, equipment, travel, F&A, etc.))

The COMBINE RM1 has fixed and limited budget commitments, so funding priorities will include considerations where the research might better fit special funding programs like the NIH BRAIN initiative, HEAL Initiative, ADRD, and other active programs. 



What are the application page limits? 

Specific Aims = 1 page 
Research Strategy = 15 pages 
Team Management Plan = 3 pages 
Timeline and Benchmarks for Success = 2 pages 
Plan for Enhancing Diverse Perspectives (PEDP) = 1 page   

Because these are scorable components, we recommend reading through the instructions on Section IV and the review criteria on Section V.  

Where should the Team Management Plan, Timeline and Benchmarks for Success, and the Plan for Enhancing Diverse Perspectives be placed in the application? 

These 3 attachments, with different page limits and instructions (see Section IV of the NOFO), should be included as separate “Other Attachments”. Applications that are missing these components and/or do not follow the page limits will be withdrawn.  

Why are both an MPI Plan and a Team Management Plan required? 

The “Multiple PI Plan” and the “Team Management Plan” ask for somewhat different information. Whereas the “Multiple PD/PI Leadership Plan” focuses on leadership by and interactions across the PD/PIs, the “Team Management Plan” focuses on management of the whole team/key personnel. Applicants must address how the entire group will function to accomplish program objectives and vision. Team management approaches raised in the subsections listed in the NOFO should be described in the Plan (Organizational structure, team composition, roles; shared vision, contributions, and responsibility for decision making; resource sharing and allocation across the team; credit assignment; knowledge transfer; coordination and communication plans; intra-team data sharing, archiving and preservation.  Applicants are encouraged to consult resources to aid in developing effective team-based programs (see e.g., the NCI Collaboration and Team Science Field Guide and literature on the Science of Team Science) and/or participate in team-science related training. Applications that exceed the 3-page limit will be withdrawn.

What should be included in the "Timeline and Benchmarks for Success”? 

Applicants should include a project timeline in the form of a Gantt chart/table (or similar) that includes all major tasks to be performed during the project as well as critical benchmarks for success. The chart should also include estimated start and completion dates for those tasks and should identify the contributions expected from each PD/PI toward accomplishing each task. The COMBINE program emphasizes integration. It is expected that pursuit of the research goal will require substantial and integrated contributions across the PD/PIs. Highlight specific activities and/or planned outcomes that act as “glues”, serving to combine and integrate efforts across disciplines and team members. Overall, this chart will aid reviewers in assessing the feasibility and likelihood that the work plan is adequate for achieving project objectives within the funding period. It will also aid in assessing the degree of integration and collaboration, and the availability of appropriate intellectual and technical expertise.

What should be included in the “Plan for Enhancing Diverse Perspectives”? 

For more information on the PEDP, please see the COMBINE RM1 PEDP Overview, Key Elements and Examples, and FAQs. You can also email In an "Other Attachment" entitled "PEDP.pdf", all applicants must include a summary of strategies to advance the scientific and technical merit of the proposed project through expanded inclusivity. The PEDP should provide a holistic and integrated view of how enhancing diverse perspectives is viewed and supported throughout the application and can incorporate elements with relevance to any review criteria (significance, investigator(s), innovation, approach, and environment) as appropriate. Where possible, applicant(s) should align their description with these required elements within the research strategy section. The PEDP will vary depending on the scientific aims, expertise required, the environment and performance site(s), as well as how the project aims are structured. The PEDP may be no more than 1-page in length and should include a timeline and milestones for relevant components that will be considered as part of the review. Examples of items that advance inclusivity in research and may be part of the PEDP can include, but are not limited to: 

  • Discussion of engagement with different types of institutions and organizations (e.g., research-intensive, undergraduate-focused, minority-serving, community-based). 

  • Description of any planned partnerships that may enhance geographic and regional diversity. 

  • Plan to enhance recruitment of women and individuals from groups traditionally under-represented in the biomedical, behavioral, and clinical research workforce. 

  • Proposed monitoring activities to identify and measure PEDP progress benchmarks. 

  • Plan to utilize the project infrastructure (i.e., research and structure) to support career-enhancing research opportunities for diverse junior, early- and mid-career researchers. 

  • Description of any training and/or mentoring opportunities available to encourage participation of students, postdoctoral researchers and co-investigators from diverse backgrounds. 

  • Plan to develop transdisciplinary collaboration(s) that require unique expertise and/or solicit diverse perspectives to address research question(s). 

  • Publication plan that enumerates planned manuscripts and proposed lead authorship. 

  • Outreach and planned engagement activities to enhance recruitment of individuals from diverse groups as research participants including those from under-represented backgrounds. 


Is an established collaborative team necessary? 

This program supports highly integrated teams that are either new collaborators or established teams of investigators.  

Is there a preference for new or established collaborations? 

This program supports highly integrated teams that are either new collaborators or established teams of investigators.  For newly established collaborations, it is imperative to include approaches to ensure successful team communication and collaboration. 

Is this NOFO for a single site or multisite? Are PIs expected to be from different institutions or can PIs be from the same institution? Can the team be made up of different disciplines within a single department? Can we form a team consisting of expertise on each step of an entire biological process? Who should be on the team?

The science should drive the type of collaboration and the team/expertise composition. Being in different vs same institution/departments would present different logistical considerations, which should be accounted for in the team management plan.

Are small business teams eligible? Can industry investigators be included?

Small businesses and other for-profit organizations may apply. Please see Section III: Eligibility of the NOFO.

What can be included in the budget?  

PD/PIs should submit a single integrated budget that is not limited but must cover all costs and reflect the actual needs of the proposed project. PDs/PIs are encouraged to discuss their proposed budgets / projects with NINDS program staff prior to submission and should provide detailed evidence supporting their proposed request in the budget justification section. 

To be successful, programs of this level of complexity are expected to require significant effort from all PDs/PIs involved. Generally, each PD/PI should devote at least 2.4 person months (i.e., the equivalent of 20% effort on a full-year appointment, 26.7% on a 9-month appointment, or 40% on a 6-month appointment) throughout the duration of the award. 

Other costs that can be included: 

It is strongly recommended that potential applicants contact NINDS while they are still in the process of developing conceptual plans for an RM1 and at least 8 weeks before submitting. Only topics that are fully within the NINDS mission will proceed to review. 

Is there a budget limit per project?

There is no budget limit per project, but there is a budget limit for the NINDS Interdisciplinary Team Science RM1 program- $10M total cost. Application budgets are not limited but need to reflect the actual needs of the proposed project. Reviewers will consider whether the budget and the requested period of support are fully justified and reasonable in relation to the proposed research. It is anticipated that most awards will be between $500,000-$1.5M direct costs.

Are amended (resubmitted) applications permitted? 

No. NINDS will not accept resubmissions of RM1 applications. The same or a similar team of investigators may submit a new application on the same or a similar topic.  


Is there an expected level of effort from the PIs?  

To be successful, programs of this level of complexity are expected to require significant effort from all PDs/PIs involved. Generally, each PD/PI should devote at least 2.4 person months (i.e., the equivalent of 20% effort on a full-year appointment, 26.7% on a 9-month appointment, or 40% on a 6-month appointment) throughout the duration of the award. 

Does the contact PI utilize more effort or take more responsibility for the project?

Aside from routine communications and responsibilities of the contact PI, we require equivalent efforts from 3-6 investigators with Principal Investigator roles. These PIs should function as co-equals as reflected in project goals and effort. Teams should not be dominated by a single individual. 

How does being a PI on an RM1 effect Early Stage Investigator (ESI) status? 

Team composition should be based on the background and expertise necessary to address the proposed scientific problem. We welcome teams that are inclusive of diverse perspectives, including early career investigators. If you serve as PI on an RM1, you will no longer be eligible for ESI. Other RM1 roles do not affect ESI status (Co-I, Consultant, etc). For more information:

Are Co-Investigators allowed in addition to the 3-6 MPIs? 

Yes, Co-Investigators are allowed. 

Are scientists in the NIH intramural research program eligible to apply?  

Yes. The requests by NIH intramural scientists will be limited to the incremental costs required for participation. As such, these requests will not include any salary and related fringe benefits for career, career conditional or other Federal employees (civilian or uniformed service) with permanent appointments under existing position ceilings or any costs related to administrative or facilities support (equivalent to Facilities and Administrative or F&A costs). These costs may include salary for staff to be specifically hired under a temporary appointment for the project, consultant costs, equipment, supplies, travel, and other items typically listed under Other Expenses. Applicants should indicate the number of person-months devoted to the project, even if no funds are requested for salary and fringe benefits.    
If selected, appropriate funding will be provided by the NIH Intramural Program. NIH intramural scientists will participate in this program as PDs/PIs in accord with the Terms and Conditions provided in this NOFO. Intellectual property will be managed in accord with established policy of the NIH in compliance with Executive Order 10096, as amended, 45 CFR Part 7; patent rights for inventions developed in NIH facilities are NIH property unless NIH waives its rights.    
Should an extramural application include the collaboration with an intramural scientist, no funds for the support of the intramural scientist may be requested in the application. The intramural scientist may submit a separate request for intramural funding as described above. 

Are individuals who have support from sources other than NINDS eligible to apply?  

Yes. Individuals may have support from NINDS, other NIH components or from other sources, provided they meet all other eligibility requirements and are able to generally devote at least 2.4 person months (i.e., the equivalent of 20% effort on a full-year appointment, 26.7% on a 9-month appointment, or 40% on a 6-month appointment) throughout the duration of the award. Multiple PD/PI projects will be subject to the NINDS Special Review Council policy if one or more of the PD/PIs has NIH research support exceeding the threshold put forth in the SCR Policy. 

Are Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigators eligible to apply for RM1? What about individuals with other types of substantial, unrestricted research support?  

Yes. HHMI investigators are eligible to apply for RM1, provided they are able to generally devote at least 2.4 person months (i.e., the equivalent of 20% effort on a full-year appointment, 26.7% on a 9-month appointment, or 40% on a 6-month appointment) throughout the duration of the award. The relationship between the work supported by another organization and the work to be supported by NINDS must be distinct, and it must be clearly explained how the funding provided by the RM1 will impact your research program. Multiple PD/PI projects will be subject to the NINDS Special Review Council policy if one or more of the PD/PIs has NIH research support exceeding the threshold put forth in the SCR Policy. 

Can an NINDS R35 awardee serve as one of the Multiple Principal Investigators (MPI) in the RM1 award? 

No. Instead of serving as a PI, NINDS R35 awardees can participate as a Co-Investigator or collaborator of the RM1 and may not receive additional funds from this award.  

Is participation of scientists at non-domestic institutions permitted? 

Yes, foreign components, as defined in the NIH Grants Policy Statementare allowed. If foreign investigators are involved, it should be described how they are uniquely qualified to participate in the team and/or how they will provide unique resources that are not otherwise available. 

See NOFO Section III: Eligibility:

  • Non-domestic (non-U.S.) Entities (Foreign Institutions) are not eligible to apply.
  • Non-domestic (non-U.S.) components of U.S. Organizations are not eligible to apply.
  • Foreign components, as defined in the NIH Grants Policy Statementare allowed



How are applications evaluated for appropriateness to the NINDS mission? 

Applications are considered by the most relevant program directors. Applications judged not to fit within the NINDS mission will be withdrawn without review.  

How are applications reviewed? 

All applications for a given Council round will be reviewed by a single Special Emphasis Panel organized by the NINDS Scientific Review Branch, with members representing the breadth of applications under review. The name and contact information for the scientific review official assigned to the application will be posted in the Commons.  

Will the reviewers have expertise in the subject area of my application?  

Yes. NINDS will ensure that reviewers have the relevant expertise to review the application, bearing in mind that RM1 is intended to support a broad program of research and the breadth of research areas that are encompassed by the NINDS mission. Thus, reviewers will be expected to bring a broad perspective rather than detailed expertise. 

How are applications scored? 

Applications will be scored according to the NIH priority score system. Reviewers provide initial reviews and scores. Only those applications judged in the upper half are discussed at the meeting and assigned a priority score. Investigators will receive a summary statement with the reviewer critiques regardless of the score. Applications will not be percentiled. 

How do the review criteria differ from those for a regular R01 research grant application? 

Review criteria that are specific to the RM1 can be found under Section V of the NOFO. 

What, if any, preliminary data are required? 

Preliminary data are not required but it can strengthen the premise and feasibility. If preliminary data are not available, applicants are encouraged to present other evidence of feasibility (e.g. track record, expertise, alternative approach, and other measures that mitigate risk).

How important is the paradigm challenging aspect of the RM1 application?

Transformative goals are a key feature of the COMBINE RM1 Program. Please see Section V. Application Review Information: Scored Review Criteria of the NOFO for further information. 

How are budgets reviewed?

Reviewers will be asked to consider whether the budget and the requested period of support are fully justified and reasonable in relation to the proposed work.  

Can I appeal the review of my RM1 application? 

No. Appeals of initial peer review will not be accepted for applications submitted in response to this NOFO.

If my application for the RM1 is not funded, will I be able to prepare a resubmission? 

No, but you may be eligible to submit a new application to the next deadline. 

Are amended (resubmitted) applications permitted?

No. NINDS will not accept resubmissions of COMBINE RM1 applications. The same or a similar team of investigators may submit a new application on the same or a similar topic.  

How will the NINDS Special Council Review (SCR) Policy be applied to non-percentiled applications?

Multi-PI projects will be subject to the SCR policy if one or more of the PIs meets or exceeds the funding threshold of $2M total costs inclusive of the pending application. For more information, see the NINDS Special Council Review page.

Do applications submitted to the NINDS COMBINE RM1 qualify for the Continuous Submission Policy? 

RFA’s do not allow for continuous submission, however, this funding announcement does allow for late application submission (see RFA-NS-23-027).

This policy allows for reviewers who have continuous submission, to be eligible for late submission: “For PD/PIs who are eligible for continuous submission, the late application policy applies to activities not covered under the continuous submission policy” (this NOFO fits).

The policy also states: “For multiple PD/PI (MPI) applications, the reasons may apply to any or all of the PD/PIs.”.

So, if one MPI is eligible, then the application is eligible for the 2-week late submission window. This applies for all of the reasons given under the policy. Note the application must be accompanied by a cover letter explaining the reason for the late submission. Also recognize that there is no guarantee a late application will be accepted, they are considered on a case-by-case basis.


How can I serve as a reviewer on the COMBINE RM1 study section? 

A specific NINDS study section will be assembled. If interested on serving on the study section please contact the NINDS Team Science Group:


How many COMBINE RM1s does NINDS expect to award? 

NINDS intends to commit up to $10M per fiscal year to fund 4-6 awards for up to five years of support.  

When will funding decisions be made? 

Applications will be accepted once per year (October 20th, 2023, and October 8th, 2024). Applications will be reviewed and presented at the NINDS Advisory Council the following May/June. Funding decisions for all applications will be made after the Council meeting.  

Are these awards renewable?


What, if anything, will be different about the annual reporting required for COMBINE RM1? 

Annual reports will be required using the Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR). Additional NOFO specific requirements, such as teleconferences and site visits at a specified interval, will be indicated in the Notice of Award.