Tracking Your Application

Applicants are encouraged to proactively track the status of their application after initial submission and throughout all phases of the grants process. 

Tracking submission status (as the PI)

Principal investigators should initially track submission status to ensure no errors are preventing the application from being pushed forward through the application process. Learn how on the Steps for PI to Track Submission Status page.

Tracking submission status (as an Authorized Organization Representative (AOR)/Signing Official (SO))

All Signing Officials at the applicant organization are able to check application submission status in eRA Commons. Learn how on the Steps for Signing Officials to Check Submission Status page.

Tracking an application throughout all phases of the grants process After successful submission, applicants and PIs should track the status of their application throughout all phases of the grants process, including planning, writing and submitting, receipt/referral, peer review, pre-award and award, and post award management. Learn how on the NIH Tracking Your Application page.