NINDS Paylines

On this page

Use this page to understand current and historical NINDS paylines and funding ranges based on the current or most recent fiscal year (FY), which runs from October 1 to September 30. It is important to understand which FY your application is in to understand which paylines and policies apply.

  • Applications submitted between January 25, 2023 and January 7, 2024 will be subject to Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 policy described below.
  • Applications submitted between January 25, 2024 and January 7, 2025 are in FY2025. Final payline and funding information for FY2025 will not be available until Fall 2024 at the earliest.

Fiscal Year 2024 Payline Information

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), including National Institutes of Health (NIH), operates under the FY2024 Further Consolidated Appropriations Act (Public Law 118-47) signed by President Biden on March 23, 2024. 

NOTE: Paylines and administrative award reductions have changed in FY2024, reflecting NINDS' goal of maximizing the number of investigators funded under the FY 2024 appropriation level. Learn more below and via this NINDS Director's Message.

Competing Funding Policies and Award Administrative Reductions 

  • Salaries, stipends, and Training Funds are limited to the levels published by the NIH. We will reduce budgets when these caps are exceeded.  For additional information, see our salary cap, stipends, and training funds page.
  • No inflationary increases are provided in calculating future year commitments. For more details about this and related funding policies, see our Funding Policies page.
  • Specific administrative reductions will be made by mechanism based on the table below (NOTE - the administrative cuts below do not apply to awards funded with specific appropriations for ALS, AD/ADRD, AIDS, BRAIN, Common Fund, and HEAL):
    Mechanism Administrative Cut
    R01 (Modular Budget) 0%
    R01 (Non-Modular Budget) 20.5%
    R03, R15, R21 0%
    R25/UE5 0%
    R13 or U13 0%
    F, T, and K mechanisms 0%
    All other mechanisms not listed here* 3%
      *this includes mechanisms that have not historically received administrative reductions


Noncompeting Award Funding Policies

  • When an application is funded, NIH agrees to provide funds over several years (for example, the typical NINDS R01 award is funded for five years).  Therefore, investigators request payment for the next budget period (usually, every year), but these requests do not compete with other applications.
  • Non-competing awards made under the BRAIN Initiative will be made at 90% of the committed level.
  • All other non-competing awards will be made at 97% of the committed level with the following exceptions which will be funded at 100%
    • F, T, and K mechanisms
    • R03, R21
    • R13 and U13
    • R16
    • R25
    • Diversity Supplement
    • SBIR/STTR mechanisms


Understanding Your Funding Likelihood

The tables below provide guidelines to applicants trying to assess their likelihood of funding.  There are a few important points of note that applicants must keep in mind when reviewing this information: 

Key Points


Applications with a Percentile Score 

This table applies to applications receiving a percentiled score. The standard payline will be applicable for most applications, but note important exceptions for Early Stage Investigators (ESI), applications subject to Special Council Review (SCR*), and applications on Alzheimer's Disease and Alzheimer's Disease Related Dementias (AD/ADRD) (see further below). While a score within the paylines shown in the table suggests a high likelihood of funding, it is not a guarantee; there are rare circumstances where an application within the payline is not funded. 

  <$500,000 in direct costs^ $500,000 in direct costs^ and submitted to Parent NOFO*
R01 11% 5%

R03, R15, R21

11% N/A

Early Stage Investigator (ESI) R01

22% 5%
Applications subject to SCR** 5% 5%

^ Direct cost in any year excluding consortium F&A

* See NOT-NS-24-079 and note these applications require pre-submission approval 

** Applicants with greater than $1.5 million in total costs of active NIH research project grant awards per year at the time of the Council meeting are subject to Special Council Review (SCR). Note that because AD/ADRD is responsive to a Congressional mandate, AD/ADRD applications are exempt from the NINDS SCR policy. 


AD/ADRD Paylines and Funding Principles - Updated 4/25/24

Applications with a Percentile Score

For percentiled AD/ADRD applications submitted to the Parent R01, R03, and R15 funding opportunities, NINDS follows the same AD/ADRD paylines as NIA.

Parent Announcement


AD/ADRD Payline <$5M AD/ADRD Payline ≥$5M
All (except below) 17% 14%
New Investigator R01 20% 17%
Early Stage Investigator R01 22% 19%

For percentiled AD/ADRD applications not submitted to a parent announcement, contact Kiara Bates for further guidance.


Non-percentiled AD/ADRD applications

For AD/ADRD applications responding to other announcements, including specific NINDS ADRD funding opportunities, NINDS sets a payline for each based on impact score as well as reviewer comments and funds available. NINDS and NIA work together to ensure similar paylines at the two institutes for AD/ADRD. For questions about NINDS AD/ADRD pay lines and programs contact Kiara Bates.

Note that, because AD/ADRD research is responsive to a Congressional mandate, AD/ADRD applications are exempt from the NINDS SCR policy.

Non-percentiled applications 

This table applies to applications receiving only a priority score. There are no paylines for non-percentiled applications; rather, applications are individually considered and assessed for portfolio balance based on funds available. The table below is intended to give investigators an indication of their likelihood of funding based on historic averages. It is not intended to suggest that funding at a particular score is guaranteed. 


Fellowships, Training, Career Development, Research Education

  Most applications funded (>80%) Some applications funded (50-70%) Few applications funded (< 10%)
F30 ≤ 30  31 - 35  > 35 
F31 ≤ 20  21 - 35 > 35
F32 ≤ 30  31 - 37  > 37 
F99 ≤ 30 31 - 40  > 40 
K01 ≤ 30  31 - 45  > 45 
K08 ≤ 30  31 - 40 > 40 
K23 ≤ 30  31 - 40  > 40
K99 ≤ 30  31 - 37  > 37 
R25 ≤ 30  31 - 40  > 40 
T32 ≤ 30  31 - 35  > 35 


Other Research Grants

  Most applications funded (>80%) Some applications funded (50-70%) Few applications funded (< 10%)
P01 ≤ 30    > 30 
P50 ≤ 25  26 - 38 > 38
R34 ≤ 32 33 - 40  > 40 
R35 ≤ 25  26 - 30  > 30 
R61/R33 ≤ 25  26 - 32  > 32 
U01 ≤ 28 26 - 35  > 35
U19 ≤ 35 36 - 40  > 40 
U54 ≤ 30  30 - 38 > 38
UG3/UH3 ≤ 32  33 - 37  > 37 



See the NINDS Small Business Program Funding Plan for more information.


Previous Paylines and Policies

Fiscal Year 2023

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), including NIH, is operating under the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023 (Public Law 117-328), signed by President Biden on December 29, 2022. This law continues government operations through September 30, 2023.

Competing Award Administrative Reductions and Funding Policies

  • Non-Modular R01s will receive a 17.5% administrative cut; modular R01s and most other funding mechanisms are generally awarded with no administrative reduction to the IRG-approved funding level.
  • Salaries, stipends, and Training Funds are limited to the levels published by the NIH. We will reduce budgets when these caps are exceeded.  For additional information, see our salary cap, stipends, and training funds page.
  • No inflationary increases are provided in calculating future year commitments. For more details about this and related funding policies, see our Funding Policies page.

Noncompeting Award Funding Policies

  • When an application is funded, NIH agrees to provide funds over several years (for example, the typical NINDS R01 award is funded for five years).  Therefore, investigators request payment for the next budget period (usually, every year), but these requests do not compete with other applications. NINDS will pay FY23 non-competing continuation awards at their full committed level as shown in the Notice of Award and will restore any cuts made in non-competing awards paid earlier in this fiscal year.

Percentiled Applications

This table applies to applications receiving a percentiled score. The standard payline will be applicable for most applications, but note important exceptions for Early Stage Investigators (ESI), and applications subject to Special Council Review (SCR*), and applications on Alzheimer's Disease and Alzheimer's Disease Related Dementias (AD/ADRD) (see further below). While a score within the paylines shown in the table suggests a high likelihood of funding, it is not a guarantee; there are rare circumstances where an application within the payline is not funded. 



Early Stage

Investigator (ESI) 


subject to SCR* 

















*Applicants with greater than $2 million in total costs of NIH funding (including the pending application) per year at the time of the Council meeting are subject to Special Council Review (SCR). Note that because AD/ADRD is responsive to a Congressional mandate, AD/ADRD applications are exempt from the NINDS SCR policy. 


Fiscal Year 2023 AD/ADRD Paylines and Funding Principles

Applications with a Percentile Score

For percentiled AD/ADRD applications submitted to the Parent R01, R03, and R15 funding opportunities, NINDS follows the same AD/ADRD paylines as NIA.

Parent Announcement


Standard New Investigator Early Stage Investigator (ESI)
R03 25% N/A N/A
R15 25% N/A N/A
R21 25% N/A N/A
R01 25% 28% 30%

For percentiled AD/ADRD applications not submitted to a parent announcement, contact Kiara Bates for further guidance.


Non-percentiled AD/ADRD applications

For AD/ADRD applications responding to other announcements, including specific NINDS ADRD funding opportunities, NINDS sets a payline for each based on impact score as well as reviewer comments and funds available. NINDS and NIA work together to ensure similar paylines at the two institutes for AD/ADRD. For questions about NINDS AD/ADRD pay lines and programs contact Kiara Bates.

Note that, because AD/ADRD research is responsive to a Congressional mandate, AD/ADRD applications are exempt from the NINDS SCR policy.