Michael L. Wallace, Ph.D.

K99/R00 Pathway to Independence Award
photo of Michael L Wallace
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA

NINDSK99/R00 Awardee – January 2019

Michael Wallace is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in neurobiology at Harvard Medical School. His research in the lab of Dr. Bernardo Samatini aims to define the role for entopeduncular nucleus (EP) neuronal subclasses, an output nucleus of the basal ganglic. Using a combination of optics, in vivo optogenetics, computer programming, and behavioral quantitative techniques, this work will clarify the role EP circuitry may play in Parkinson's disease where action selection and execution are perturbed. Michael received his Ph.D. in neurobiology from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, and his B.A> in cell biology and neuroscience from Rutgers University.