Andrea Stavoe, Ph.D.

K99/R00 Pathway to Independence Award
photo of Andrea Stavoe
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA

NINDSK99/R00 Awardee – January 2019

Andrea Stavoe is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow within the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. Her research in the lab of Erika Holzbaur aims to characterize the age-related alterations to the autophagy pathway and determine how autophagy is regulated in both primary mammalian neurons and C. elegans neurons in vivo. This will elucidate how autophagy dynamically changes in neurons over time and how autophagy can be modulated in vivo to improve the nervous system healthspan. She received her Ph.D. and MPhill in cell biology at Yale University and earned a B.S. in biochemistry/molecular biology/biotechnology and a B.A. in French from Michigan State University.