Damon J. DiSabato, Ph.D.

Job Title
Health Program Specialist
Damon J. DiSabato
Division of Neuroscience
Cluster, Section, or Program
Neural Environment
Areas of Interest

 Neuroinflammation, glial biology, blood-brain barrier, brain and spinal cord injury

Contact Email
Contact Number

Dr. Damon DiSabato is a Health Program Specialist with the Neural Environment cluster (NET) within the Division of Neuroscience. His areas of interest include neuroinflammation, glial biology, and brain and spinal cord injury. Prior to joining NINDS, he was a postdoctoral researcher at The Ohio State University, studying the role for interleukin-1 and TNF-driven inflammation in a preclinical model for traumatic spinal cord injury and injury-induced liver dysfunction. Dr. DiSabato received his PhD in Neuroscience from The Ohio State University in 2021, where his dissertation work focused on the role for IL-1 signaling in a mouse model of psychosocial stress.