Bo-Shiun Chen, Ph.D.

Job Title
Scientific Review Officer
Bo-Shiun Chen
Division of Extramural Activities
Scientific Review Branch
Contact Email
Contact Number

Dr. Bo-Shiun Chen joined NINDS in early 2020 and serves as a Scientific Review Officer (SRO) for a variety of Special Emphasis Panels including the BRAIN Initiative Awards (U24), the Frontotemporal Dementia Center without Walls Awards (U54) and the NINDS conference grants (R13). Dr. Chen received his master's degree in Microbiology and Molecular Genetics and Ph.D. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from Rutgers University studying transcriptional regulation in yeast. He then did a postdoctoral fellowship in the NINDS Intramural Research Program, where he investigated the regulation of glutamate receptors in the cerebellum. After the fellowship, Dr. Chen joined the Medical College of Georgia (MCG) as a tenure-track assistant professor and examined the molecular mechanisms underlying the regulation of glutamate receptor function in synaptic plasticity and neuronal survival. Prior to joining the Scientific Review Branch of NINDS, Dr. Chen spent about a year in Chang Gung University in Taiwan as a visiting expert while holding an adjunct faculty position at MCG and explored a new research direction to study enterovirus-induced infection of the central nervous system.