Adi Cymerblit Sabba, Ph.D.

Job Title
NeuroBioBank Program Manager
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Division of Neuroscience
Cluster, Section, or Program
Neurodegeneration, Dementia, and Repeat Expansion Disorders
Areas of Interest

Portfolio: NIH NeuroBioBank (human brain tissue banking)  

Additional Keywords:  n/a

Contact Number

Adi completed her Ph.D in neuroscience at the Technion, Israeli Institute of Technology, Studying -Network Dynamics Leading to Seizure Initiation and Maintenance and Improving the Antiepileptic Efficacy of Cortical Stimulation in Pharmacologically Induced Epilepsy. She completed her first Post-Doc, in the same institute, studying the developmental trajectory of stress and outcomes of developmental environmental and pharmacological manipulations on behavioral and neural plasticity modulations in animal models. She then joined the NIMH as a post Doc, studying Oxytocin and Vasopressin neuronal circuits and their involvement in social behavior and memory, where she became a staff scientist. Throughout her scientific career, Adi utilized multiple cutting-edge methods from in vivo Electrophysiological multi-single unit recordings, behavioral assays and in vivo Chronic Calcium Imaging in behaving mice. Adi is passionate about contributing to new discoveries and facilitating advancement of disruptive ideas that may positively impact and advance public health.