Announcing the launch of AMP® ALS

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NIH, in partnership with the Foundation for NIH (FNIH), announced the launch of the Accelerating Medicines Partnership® in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (AMP® ALS), a public-private partnership to help stimulate the identification of new targets for therapy development as well as improved biomarkers to support the testing of therapies in trials of new treatments for ALS.

AMP® ALS will enable the collection and management of current and future ALS data in an accessible knowledge portal. Researchers will use these comprehensive resources, along with existing biosamples and well-characterized clinical data, to identify potential biomarkers and treatments for ALS. Researchers will also explore developing or modifying clinical outcome assessments, including patient reported outcomes.

The partnership involves NINDS, FNIH, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Critical Path Institute (C-Path), and representatives from multiple biopharmaceutical and life science companies, academia, foundations, and advocacy organizations. People with lived experience of ALS, including individuals and families affected by the disease, caregivers, and those at high genetic risk for developing ALS in the future, participated in the development of the partnership, and will continue to be involved in this program.

AMP® ALS is part of the public-private partnership called for in H.R. 3537-Accelerating Access to Critical Therapies (ACT) for ALS Act, signed into law by President Biden in December 2021.

Visit the NINDS AMP ALS webpage to learn more about this initiative.