Challenges in Pediatric Neuroscience Research Webinar Series: NINDS Common Data Elements (CDE)

November 03, 2022 | 3:00 - 4:00 PM

In this episode of our ongoing series, we will be speaking with Dr. Carolina Mendoza-Puccini from NINDS about the NINDS Common Data Elements (CDEs). Investigators are just now starting to learn how to incorporate CDEs into their studies and some are even performing meta-studies that use CDEs. Please join us for what promises to be an engaging discussion as we look to the future!

This event is the sixth in a series and provides an overview of issues that clinical researchers face today. Future webinars will feature guest speakers who will cover specific challenges and how NINDS programs strategically address them. You can read a summary and view the webinar on our NINDS Events page.

All questions will be submitted online, but you are welcome to listen by dialing the number and access code.

Please contact Adam Hartman with any questions prior to the webinar.


Webinar slides (pdf, 4155 KB)