Director's Messages

From June 15-17, NIH will host the seventh annual Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies® (BRAIN) Initiative Investigators Meeting, with an exciting all-virtual format.

In addition to creativity, hard work and persistence, scientific discovery relies on researchers’ support to pursue critically important but difficult questions. This frequently requires long-term approaches and the ability to redirect experimental approaches as the evolving science dictates.

In a wonderful opportunity to look ahead and steer the course and field of neuroscience research, I am happy to announce the new 2021-2026 NINDS Strategic Plan: Investing in the Future.  We are compelled to conduct this exercise every five years as we take stock of our progress and update the strategic plan to reflect our core values, our stakeholder’s needs, and the best ways to go about achieving our mission.

May is Stroke Awareness Month, an opportunity to remember that despite amazing advances in research and clinical care, stroke continues to be the fifth leading cause of death and a leading cause of

Inherent in the NINDS mission is that its goal of generating knowledge to reduce the burden of neurological disease should benefit all people. NIH has recently launched an agency-wide effort called the UNITE Initiative to end structural racism in biomedical research.

Every day we are learning more about the effects of SARS-CoV-2 infection on the nervous system—in some cases detrimental effects that last far longer than the infection.

Inherent in the mission of NIH is that biomedical research and its application can and should benefit all people.

Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) is a chronic and severe disease that, according to the CDC, affects up to 2.5 million Americans, many of whom have not been diagnosed. Active NINDS efforts are underway to seek a better understanding of ME/CFS in order to treat—and ultimately prevent—this disease.

The term “HEADWAY” means moving forward or making progress, especially when circumstances make things slow or difficult. When it comes to health equity in neurological disorders, never has a term more accurately described a process.

Like many of you, I am looking forward to 2021 as a new year of possibility. As a country, we have faced challenges in 2020 that have been unlike anything we have ever experienced in decades.

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